Onda Sonora have been occupying their own little lot on the music scene ever since they started organising parties in 2000. Increasingly oblivious to what is current or common, always so hopelessly behind they are far ahead of the pack. With a special interest for the wayward, the weird and the underappreciated. Compulsive record collectors, first and foremost, who like to share their discoveries through extensive DJ-sets that are all over the place in every sense possible. They host radio shows on BRUZZ (weekly) and Kiosk Radio (monthly), play sets everywhere they feel welcome and, sometimes, organise little events that give them the opportunity to introduce new artists, music, levels of sound quality or even craft beers.

If you need visuals here is our logo, a picture, another one and even a third relatively decent image.

Booking: booking [at] ondasonora.be
Fanmail: info [at] ondasonora.be

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